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loan word 外來語。


By reviewing the popular use of the term “ pk “ , this paper studied its origin from the perspective of linguistics and social linguistics , ie . , the borrowing of loan words and the generalization of professional terms as well as the value of social culture behind this phenomenon 摘要透過“ pk “的流行風,從語言學、社會語言學角度探究其來龍去脈,即外來語的借用和專業術語的泛化,以及這種現象背后隱含的社會文化價值。

Three causes are considered : the popularity of internet language and loan words , the competing form of transliterated words and free translated words , the change of normative appraisal standards for modern chinese , and the competition of the new and the old words 流行的原因是:網絡語言和外來語盛行;音譯詞與意譯詞的較量形式;現代漢語規范評議標準的變化及詞匯演變中新詞與舊詞的比較。

The loan words act a positive role in displaying new thing , new concept , new thought and so on 外來語在表現新事物、新概念、新思維等方面具有積極作用。

A contrastive study of the english loan words in chinese and japanese in terms of faithfulness to source words 以外來語對源詞的忠實度為中心

A morphological approach to the impact of english loan words on chinese word formation 從形態學的角度論漢語中的英語借詞對漢語構詞法的影響

A tentative discussion on how and why the way of taking in loan words in modern chinese changes 試論現代漢語外來詞吸收方式的變化及原因

Loan words are one aspect of japanese language , culture and spiritual life 外來語是日本人語言生活、精神生活、文化生活的一部分。

Semantic adaptation of chinese loan words and their translation in chinese - english dictionaries 英語動物名稱的隱喻性轉義分析

Among them , the loan word mainly comes from the western europe languages 一般來說,外來語主要指從西歐語系中匯入日語的詞匯。

Loan words from english in contemporary chinese and its cultural psychology 當代漢語中的英語外來詞及其民族文化心理透視

The history of loan words and its influence on japanese and japanese culture 外來語的歷史淵源及對日語及日本文化的影響

Study from historical perspectives on loan words in english from native indian languages 英語中印度語借詞的歷史考察

V only used to transliterate loan word , minority language and localism 只用來拼寫外來語、少數民族語言和方言。

On the regional and cultural differences of transliteration of loan words 略談漢語音譯詞的地域文化差異

The influence of english loan words on word - formation of modern chinese 英語借詞對現代漢語構詞法的影響

Some thoughts and recalls on the study of loan words and hybrid words 漢語研究也將經歷研究模式

Loan words in japanese are phonetically translated loan words 摘要日本語外來語是音譯借用語。

The impact of the loan words on the chinese vocabulary system 漢語外來詞對漢語詞匯系統的影響

On the transliteration of loan words in japanese 日語音譯外來語之我見